
sf 203

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The Bagpipe

The bagpipe is an auto – vocal instrument. Although it originally comes from India, it is known as a Scottish national instrument. It used to be an instrument often played at the court, but is now used for military music. Today there are still existing 180 different kinds of bagpipes within Europe. Nowadays there are even electrical bagpipes that you can connect to the computer.



The cartoon „?“ drawn by David Horsey and published in June 28th 2012 deals with the lack of proposal for modification and rules  concerning the climate change and green economy.

It shows a steamship with the inscription “world leader” and a speech bubble, which says “it’s settled… we agree to sign a pledge to hold another meeting to consider changing course at a date yet to be determined”. The ship swims directly towards an iceberg with the inscription “climate change”.

The cartoon declares, that the concept RIO+20 only states, to change anything to follow a green economy, but leaves out rules, consequences or concepts about how to change the economy in the countries. The ship in the cartoon will drive into the iceberg and sink, if they do not change the course. Relating to the green economy, RIO+20 has to contain strict rules and plans, to really change the economy and consequently slow down the climate change.


The report “Gefahren durch extreme Niederschläge werden ab 2040 deutlich zunehmen” was published on 15.02.11 and is about the climate change and the associated increased rainfall in germany.

The precipitation will rise about 50 percent between the coast and the alps. As a result the society and the surrounding world of germany has to accommodate themselves to this change and dealing with this consequences of the global warming. First of all is it important to reconstruct Germany’s cities with the result that  the rain can not destroy buildings and rainwater does not cause trouble. Moreover, the civil protection has to be intesified and emergency services, fire departments and more are of importance. They have to  renew their equipment and qualify themselves.

All in all it is necessary for Germany to improve the infrastructure and be well prepared for this new meterolocial events.

Münster – Unitage

Montagmorgen habe ich mir eine Vorlesung über “Pharmakologie und Toxikologie” angeschaut. Sie fand in einem mittelgroßen Hörsaal eines medizinischen Gebäudes der Uni Münster statt. In der Vorlesung ging es hauptsächlich um die Wirkungsweise unterschiedlichen Medikamenten, hauptsächlich Herz- und Lungenmedikamenten, und die Wechselwirkungen zwischen diesen, außerdem darum, wie sich Nahrungsmittel, z.B. Grapefruitsaft, auf diese Medikamente auswirken können. Überraschenderweise hat mich das Thema sehr angesprochen, obwohl ich mich im Vorfeld nicht wirklich damit auseinander gesetzt hatte.

Am Nachmittag habe ich an einem Seminar zum Thema „The grammar of written and spoken English“ teilgenommen. Leider war mir der Text, um den sich der Unterricht handelte, nicht bekannt, sodass es sehr schwer fiel zu folgen und Interesse daran zu finden. Aus diesem Seminar konnte ich nicht viel an Informationen und Erfahrung mitnehmen.

Insgesamt war es eine gute Idee sich für zwei Tage eine Universität anzuschauen, um einen Einblick in das Uni-Leben und die Vorlesungen/Seminare zu bekommen. So kann man sich früh genug entscheiden, ob das Studium das Richtige für einen selber ist und vielleicht auch, ob sich die Vorstellungen für den persönlich geplante Studiengang bewahrheiten.

google criticism

‘Google will use the data to target advertising far more effectively, attracting a higher price from advertisers‘. Google chances privacy issus which could be unlawful. However, many people do not realise this changes, since they do not unterstand them. By this reason google will still be able to collect and sell information to companies, even when you ‘remove all History web’.


The Social Network


The movie ” The Social Network” written by Aaron Sorvin and directed by David Fincer, was published in 2010 and  is about the founding of Facebook and the life of Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg) during this time.

After Erica Albright (Rooney Mara) broke up with Mark Zuckerburg, a secluded Harvard undergrad and computer programming genius, he designs the website Facemash on which users are able to arrange female Harvad students according to their attractiveness.

In this way he got the attention of the Winkelvoss-Twins (Armie Hammer), who wanted his help to create a social network for the Harvard-Univerity. He complies but instead of working intensively for them, he starts working on his own idea of a social network – Zuckerberg was supported by his best friend Eduardo Saverin (Andrew Garfield), Dustin Moskovitz (Joseph Macello) and Chris Hughes (Patrick Mapel). As soon as the website is online and an unexpected success arises, the situation became difficult and a matter of much money. Moreover Mark gets to know the wrong people and loses evermore the control.

In my opinion it is an interesting movie and it is worth it to be watched, especially since it tells the story of a real incident. Along with this must be said that only about 40 % of the movie are true, since Mark Zuckerberg did not cooperate with the filmmakers. However, “The Social Network” is a thrilling and funny made film and you should have watched it.



mein Vorlesungsplan sieht wahrscheinlich aus wie folgt:


  • vormittags: Mikrobiologie II: Genetische Zellbiologie, Physiologie (08:00 Uhr- 10:oo Uhr – im Schlossgarten3-SBI HS)
  • nachmittags: Allgemeine Psychologie und kognitive Neurowissenschaft (16:00 Uhr- 18:00 Uhr – Fliednerstr.21 – FL 40)


  • Fachdidaktik Pädagogik (12:00 Uhr – 14:00 Uhr – Fürstenberghaus F4)
  • Einführung in die Kommunikation II (14:00 Uhr – 16:oo Uhr – Fürstenberghaus F2)